Shree Sanjeeva Shettigar a rare eighty count weaver was honoured with “Nekara Ratna” the life time achievement award for weavers by Kadike Trust on 16/08/2021. The award was conferred by D C of D K.District during the national handloom week celebration organised by Kadike Trust and Talipady weavers society with Nabard support.

Mr Shettigar is one among the only 9 surviving 80 Count weavers in two districts.

He is a multi talented person who is an expert in weaving, piecing and allied works.

With experience of 50 years he had quit weaving when the Udupi saree weaving had downward trend. When Kadike Trust started revival work he came back to weaving.

He was first to weave 80 count natural dyed Udupi Sarees when Kadike Trust introduced it at Talipady Weavers Society. He had woven ikkat sarees too when Trust started it after the gap of 16 years. He enthusiastically imparted his skills to new weavers during training program and he is always ready to support young weavers.

The award include a cash reward of Rs 10,000 , a citation, a jackfruit sapling , a handwoven shawl by trainees and a book on rare medicinal plant re published by the Trust.