Udupi Saree Revival

Udupi Saree Revival

Udupi Saree Revival by Kadike Trust. This video was first presented by NABARD H O, Mumbai during Handloom week celebration program on 6/8/2021. During the event Kadike Trust was recognized as one of the best NGOs associated with the NABARD in Handloom sector. Voice :...
Nekara Ratna 2021  award to Sanjeeva Shettigar

Nekara Ratna 2021 award to Sanjeeva Shettigar

Shree Sanjeeva Shettigar a rare eighty count weaver was honoured with “Nekara Ratna” the life time achievement award for weavers by Kadike Trust on 16/08/2021. The award was conferred by D C of D K.District during the national handloom week celebration...
Handloom week celebration

Handloom week celebration

Handloom week celebration program was organised by Kadike Trust in association with Talipady Weavers Society Supported by NABARD. Dr. Rajendra , DC, Udupi District Inaugurated the exhibition . In a day long program Weavers were awarded and honoured . Kadike Trust was...
Kadike Trust was awarded as one of the best NGOs

Kadike Trust was awarded as one of the best NGOs

During National Handloom week Celebration program organised by NABARD Head Office, Mumbai Kadike Trust was awarded as one of the best NGOs associated with NABARD who have done outstanding work in the Handloom sector. Honouring program of Senior artisans The...
First natural dye workshop

First natural dye workshop

First natural dye workshop was conducted by Sangamithra Desai Gadekar , Director Sampoorna Kranthi Vidyalaya Vedchi, Gujarath. She is the grand daughter of Mahadeva Desai , personal secretary and diarist of Mahatma Gandhiji.
Bridging the yarning gap

Bridging the yarning gap

The famous Udupi Sari is on the path of revival with initiatives like training weavers, giving attractive wages and going in for better marketing techniques MANGALURU: Kinnigoli town, about 35km from Mangaluru, used to echo with the sound of handlooms a few decades...